Cape Town Cuisine South Africa Travel

The Insect Experience: dare to eat insects?

© froholique
© froholique
Heading to the GOODFood Market in Woodstock for a specific challenge… the one to eat insects 🐜.
Introducing itself as the first restaurant to launch a 100% insect concept in South Africa 🇿🇦, The Insect Experience is born from the initiative of the company Gourmet Grubb. On the menu, you find grilled insects but also dishes made with caterpillars or larva. 
This day, accompanied by a friend, we were welcomed by Chef Mario Barnard. After an introduction to the products, he explained the story behind the launch of the company. Then, how he got involved in insects cuisine. During a trip in Thailand 🇹🇭, after tasting spiders and scorpions  he has started having an interest in cooking insects. 
We decided to skip main dishes 😅 and eat directly desserts. But if you want to, you can check the menu here.
So we tasted the macarons (made with insect flour), black chocolate ice-cream (made with black fly larvae) and grilled worms. 
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
© froholique
Regarding the macarons and the ice-cream, we ate them with no difficulty 😋. On the surface, there was no difference compared to the “traditional version”. Same for the taste. 
I am clearly not a fan of small animals. That’s why when it was time to eat grilled worms, it was more complicated 😂. I am someone very visual. So even while closing my eyes I couldn’t take them out of my mind 😭.
At the end, it was neither good nor bad. The worms were very crunchy 👍🏽. It felt like I was eating cereales. Therefore they were not seasoned. So their tastes were not so great 😂. 
We spent less than R100 (about 5€) for the whole tasting. The restaurant has a formula which includes two dishes and one dessert for R150 (about 8€). In order to fully live the experience, I recommend to pick this. Don’t do it like me, be more adventurous😉.
When I think about it I’m not surprised that there is such concept in South Africa. There, people consume insects for pleasure. In any shop, you can buy a pack of dry insects. Moreover sauce such as Moambe is sometimes eaten with caterpillars. 
It was an experience full in flavours (and emotions 😂). I won’t put it on the must-do list for Cape Town. However if you have any free time, that’s something cool to do. 
Before leaving, I have one thing to ask 👉🏽 Dare to eat insects? 👀
Froholically, F. 

(4) Comments

    1. Hi there! Thanks for your comment. More posts about South Africa, Northern Ireland and Malaysia will be soon published 😊

  1. Nice post,thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Ari, thank you for your feedback!

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